Welcome | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Are you ready to Stop Dieting & Start Living?

Welcome | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Women just like you are letting go of diets, food rules and restrictions… They are finally able to live and eat freely without guilt. You can do it too!

I’m no longer stressed about food. It’s such a huge change. Before I wasn’t able to enjoy food. Just like looking up the menus before you go to restaurants to see what are you allowed to eat, you know? There’s no more stress with a buffet or a potluck. Food was like a scary thing. Whereas now I’m not stressed about food in the slightest. I can keep food in my house that in the past, I likely would have been binged on. That’s no longer the thing. I feel so much joy!

- Jessica, Past Program Participant

Welcome | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Can you relate to this

Welcome | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON
  • You have been on many diets over the years to try to change the way your body looks.
  • Some diets might have been “successful” but it never lasts. After every diet, you feel worse than when you started.
  • You spend so much time thinking about food. It’s exhausting.
  • You don’t trust yourself around food because it feels like you will lose control and won’t be able to stop.
  • You feel guilty when you eat “unhealthy foods”.
  • You wish you didn’t like how food tastes because it would make it easier to restrict.
Welcome | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

And then, there's your body...

Welcome | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON
  • You don’t like how your body looks. You feel uncomfortable and it feels like you don’t belong in it.
  • You feel ashamed of your body and blame yourself for getting to this point. You feel the need to hide your body.
  • You tend to compare yourself to others which only makes you feel worse.
  • You stop yourself from going on vacation or social outings because of the way you feel in your body.
  • You are emotionally exhausted…

If you RELATE TO any of that you probably don’t want to keep living this way…

Welcome | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

You want to...

Welcome | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON
  • Feel good in your body!
  • Nourish your body without thinking about food all the time
  • Eat without guilt or shame!
  • Feel comfortable around food and feel in control.
  • Feel confident in your body and take the space you deserve.
  • Live a long healthy life without having to track another calorie!
Community Members Only | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Just like many others have done

Community Members Only | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

If this sounds like something you would like, I invite you to…

The Balanced Program

The 6-month evidence-based group program that was designed to help you heal your relationship with food and your body FOR GOOD

what's included

Weekly Coaching Calls | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Food-Body-Mind FRAMEWORK

Weekly Coaching Calls | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Have access to the 4 part proven step-by-step method to heal your relationship with food and your body for good!

It includes workbooks, resources and tools to help you implement the learnings.

Weekly Coaching Calls | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON


Weekly Coaching Calls | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

When you choose to make peace with food and your body, you are going against the grain. This is why being part of a community of women going through the same journey  is essential to support this change!

Weekly Coaching Calls | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON


Weekly Coaching Calls | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Every week, we will meet for 60 minutes for live coaching call! You can presubmit questions or show up live! All sessions will be recorded for you to watch on your own time.

Weekly Coaching Calls | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON


Weekly Coaching Calls | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Diet Culture has taught us that we “fail”. The truth is, diets have failed you!

If you are afraid to start this journey because you are afraid to fail, this system was made for you.

This will provide you the tools and support when you need it most.

What Is Food Body Mind Framework

Food Body Mind | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Well, let me tell you!

Food Body Mind | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

The Food-Body-Mind Framework is a proven system that helps women ditch diet culture, make peace with food and feel good in their bodies.

It is a step-by-step approach to healing that takes all the guesswork away and gives you the exact tools you need to break the cycle for good.

You have spent enough time at war with your body, it’s time to come home to you, with a method that actually works.

The FOOD-BODY-MIND FRAMEWORK is a four part system

Shift Your Mindset | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Shift Your Mindset

Make Peace With Food | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Make Peace With Food

Body Image Healing | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Body Image Work

Practising Self Love | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Practising Self Love + Sustainable Health Habits

If you are like me, you like to know what to expect and how it works

so here’s a breakdown:

Shift Your Mindset | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Part 1: Shift Your Mindset

Shift Your Mindset | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

When we live in diet culture we have many beliefs about food and our bodies that are not serving us. In this first part, you can expect to:

  • Discover and unpack your own diet beliefs
  • Learn new powerful beliefs so you don’t fall into the same traps
  • Discover your self compassionate voice
  • Reject diet culture and breaking the diet mentality for good!
Make Peace With Food | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Part 2: Make Peace With Food

Make Peace With Food | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

And then there’s food! We want to regain control of food and feel empowered! This is exactly what you will learn to do in this section. We are going to :

  • Break the diet cycles so you stop feeling like you need to follow a “plan” or “rules” around food.
  • Normalize food and build a nutrition foundation
  • Understanding your own body and needs
  • Managing emotional eating and cravings like a pro!
  • Becoming an empowered eater and have *true* food freedom
Body Image Healing | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Part 3: Body Image Healing

Body Image Healing | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

We can’t skip over body image work. This piece is SO important. Your relationship with your body impacts EVERYTHING.  In this section you will learn:

  • Understanding body image so you feel comfortable and at home in your body.
  • The Body image healing spectrum and how to increase body satisfaction
  • Decoupling worth from body size
Practising Self Love | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Part 4: Practicing Self Love

Practising Self Love | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

And now we want this work to LAST FOREVER. So how? Let me tell you! In this section we will talk about:

  • Health outside of diet culture: learning to take care of yourself without diets
  • How to live in diet culture and protect your own energy
  • Setting goals and achieving them using compassion over shame
Marie-Piere Pitre-D'lorio Therapist | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Meet Marie-Pier

Marie-Piere Pitre-D'lorio Therapist | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Registered Dietitian,
B.Sc. Psychology

Hey! I am Marie-Pier (or Marie!), I am an anti-diet registered dietitian on a mission to help folks heal their relationship with food and their bodies so they can live a better and more intentional life!

I learned pretty quickly that when you are obsessed with food and controlling your body, your life becomes smaller and less enjoyable… The stress, the anxiety, the guilt and the feelings of failure start to take up way too much space in your life.

And this is how I used to live EVERYDAY. Not trusting myself or my body. Constantly battling food and going to bed every night hating my body and my “lack of control”. I was jealous of other women who were naturally thin and just seemed to have food all worked out. My relationship with food was DRAINING me.

I knew I didn’t want to live that way anymore. So, I started my own healing journey and completely changed my relationship with food and my body.

We Welcome All New Patients | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON
We Welcome All New Patients | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Now you may be thinking. “Ok it’s cool you have lived experience but what makes you an expert in this field?” Well to start, I have 2 university degrees in Psychology and Nutrition Science. This unique combination of expertise gives me knowledge and understanding of what it takes to truly heal and have a great relationship with food. But on top of my education, I have now helped hundreds of folks heal their relationship with food. And this is not by fluke. I have helped that many people because I KNOW how to and I have a system.

I have created The Balanced Program to support and guide women through the process of healing their relationship with food and their bodies FOR GOOD. I wanted to create a strong community of amazing humans who are ready to level up and step into the best version of themselves (OUTSIDE OF DIET CULTURE!)

Last words for you: I know how scary this is. I know how it feels to let of what you have been doing for YEARS. But trust me, it’s so worth it. YOU are so worth it and I can’t wait to work with you

What past participants have said

Meet Vanessa

Meet Carley

"I finally can eat freely without regret and judgement towards myself"

5 Star Icon | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

“I highly recommend The Balanced Program to anyone that has struggled with yoyo dieting. Never realized that there was such a psychological issue that related to my ongoing binging to dieting relationship with food for the past 10 years. I finally can eat freely without regret and judgement towards myself. Her caring and positive attitude towards dealing with my food disorder has been eye opening. She is an absolute ray of sunshine!”

"it gives me confidence that the changes I’m making are more likely to be sustainable long term"

5 Star Icon | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

“Marie-Pier is amazing and unlike any dietitian I have ever encountered before! She genuinely understands the struggles we go through and is there to provide valuable insight, sound nutritional advice (that is actually evidence-based!) and friendly words of encouragement. One of the reasons she is unique is that she offers long term plans that support you over a period of several months, during which she helps you track patterns in attitudes, thoughts and behaviours. I believe this is really the most helpful element of her service as it gives me confidence that the changes I’m making are more likely to be sustainable long term.I can’t say enough good things about her as a professional- she is truly great at what she does!”​

"it gives me confidence that the changes I’m making are more likely to be sustainable long term"

5 Star Icon | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON
Positive Review | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON
Positive Review | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

“I wanted to reach out and say thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for having such a great program. I’m so grateful I get to be part of this journey. Because of this program and working on myself and the challenges you give me. I haven’t thought of compensating after I’ve eaten foods that were previously risky to me. It’s been over a month since I felt true guilt around food and I feel so free and not exhausted by the thought of planning food. Thank you for all the support you give. I appreciate my opportunity to be part of the program.”

“I haven’t thought of compensating after I’ve eaten foods that were previously risky to me. It’s been over a month since I felt true guilt around food and I feel so free and not exhausted by the thought of planning food.”

Five star review | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON
Five star review | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

What a breath of fresh air, a dietitian who understands that the relationship we have with our food is complex and sometimes painful. This program has unequivocally changed my life by addressing my relationship with my body and with food. Marie Pier is gentle, understanding and will forever be part of my thoughts. Thanks to her, I rediscovered the taste and pleasure of nourishing my body well and loving it, as it is. She will make you work but totally worth it.

This 6-month program is designed by a qualified health professional using the latest evidence-based information and tools.

It is not a DIY program, you will be guided and supported along the way.

Are You Ready for Reclaim your body | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Are you ready

Are You Ready for Reclaim your body | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON


This program offers you a proven system, guidance and support. You will be part of a tribe of people just like you, ready to ditch the diets and live freely!

Positive Review | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON
Positive Review | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON
Review | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON
Lilas Review | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON
About Right | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Why join now?

About Right | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON
  • You have given enough time, money and energy to diets.
  • You deserve to have food freedom & trust your body.
  • You are entitled to live a life without shame or guilt.

What is the investment?

You can join The Balanced Program
for as little as $299 CAD/month!

Currently, we offer 2 payment structure:

6 Monthly Payments
$299 CAD/month

The Guilt Free Eating Method

Workbooks, Tools & Resources

Fail Free System

Weekly Live Coaching Calls (with replay available)

Private Community Support

Ongoing Support & Guidance

Pay in full
$1794 CAD

The Guilt Free Eating Method

Workbooks, Tools & Resources

Fail Free System

Weekly Live Coaching Calls (with replay available)

Private Community Support

Ongoing Support & Guidance

Price Breakdown

Spending money on ourselves can be challenging, especially for a program like this that is SO different…but that is the point. We do things differently to give you different results.

This is not just another program… this is a complete LIFE CHANGE that can lead to food freedom, body confidence, self-love, self-esteem and so much growth!

This is a 6-month program

This is not a quick fix or DIY program. We are committed to supporting you for 6 months.


You have access to 60 minute weekly coaching calls (Total of 26 sessions!) To put things into perspective, typical clinical rates for meetings are $190/hr.
(This alone would cost  $4,900!)

Created by a health professional

As a Health Professional with 2 university degrees (Nutrition + Psychology), everything you will learn is evidenced based and has been tested!  I have the expertise to guide you on this journey! #nomoreBS


A supportive and respectful community of women where you can feel seen, heard, supported and loved. We show up in the community multiple times a week to support you!


This program has so much support built in. You are not going through this alone.


The program is dynamic. It changes and evolves as you do! I am always working on improving and adding new content to best support you.

Morning Thought | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

What if you could...

Morning Thought | The Balanced Practice Inc | Ottawa, ON

Stop spending all your time and energy worrying about food and your body.

Stop letting the fear of gaining weight control your life.

Be in control around food and know how to nourish your body without restrictions.

Just enjoy food without any guilt or shame

Be confident in the body 💁🏻‍♀️

Stop body shaming yourself and wishing your body to be different.

Trust your body and trust yourself.

Free your mind to follow your purpose, connect with others and build the life you want.

Stop putting your life on hold and start living.

In my world, this is what we do

Want to talk it through? Let's book a call

Nutrition Counselling, Therapy & Eating Disorder FAQs

At The Balanced Practice, our services are weight-neutral which means that we do not use weight as a measure of success. We work from a weight-inclusive standpoint and work on your relationship to food and body to help you achieve goals regardless of weight. Some people lose weight, some remain the same and some gain weight. It all depends on what your body needs. We will not directly help you lose weight through restriction and dieting, and we do not focus on weight loss as a goal.

How long you will work with a dietitian or therapist will depend on your individual needs and goals. Most of our clients will see us for 6-9 months on average. Our goal is to create sustainable change, not sell you a quick fix. As we work from a client-centered and collaborative approach, the care plan will be created with your needs and capacity in mind. Please note that for eating disorder recovery, the average time is 9-12 months.

Whether you need a dietitian or therapist will always depend on where you are and the goals you have. Most of our clients will see both providers at some point to benefit from the Food-Body-Mind Approach. The best way for us to guide you is to book a free consultation with one of our team members so we can assess your needs.

Rule of Thumb: Connect with a Dietitian first if:

  • You already have a therapist
  • You are engaging in many eating disorder behaviors that are impacting your nutritional intake
  • Healing your relationship with food is your priority
  • You want to manage a chronic illness with gentle nutrition

Rule of Thumb: Connect with a Therapist first if:

  • You already have a dietitian
  • Your priority is to focus on mental health
  • You are medically stable and continue to have more eating disorder thoughts
  • You want to focus on anxiety, depression, burnout, emotional regulation, communications, boundaries, etc.

Eating disorder treatment is what we do. This is our area of expertise. The Balanced Practice is here to support you through full recovery. Our multidisciplinary team combines nutrition and therapy to provide all your care in one place. Please see our Eating Disorder Recovery Program

That is ok. A diagnosis IS NOT required to get support. The Balanced Practice understands that there are often many barriers to getting a diagnosis and it is not always accessible. This DOES NOT mean you don't deserve support. The Balanced Practice is here for you! Whether or not you have a diagnosis, your experience is valid, and we are here to support you. You do not need to wait to get help.

Yes! The Balanced Practice clinicians have been trained to support kids, teens, and adults. When working with kids and teens, we use a modified family-based approach to get parents or caregivers involved. PLEASE NOTE: We do not recommend virtual appointments for kids. If you are unable to see us at our Ottawa location, we may refer you to another healthcare professional.

Yes! The Balanced Practice loves working with couples. Please see our couples therapy page for more information.

Many insurance companies cover dietetic services as well as psychotherapy. Please speak to your insurance company to find out more about this. Or call us at (613) 366-3707 if you have any questions.

At this time, we do not offer direct billing to insurance providers. We will send you detailed receipts for your insurance provider.

Eating Disorder Recovery Program FAQs

To access the program you must: 

  1. Be over the age of 13 y.o
  2. Have an eating disorder (no formal diagnosis required)
  3. Be able to engage over videoconference with your camera on
  4. Be medically stable and not require inpatient treatment
  5. Be willing to engage in your treatment. (We don’t ever expect you to show up perfectly, however as this is a voluntary program, we do need you to be able to show up)

This depends on you! The Eating Disorder Recovery Program is not a one-size-fits-all. It is designed to be flexible based on your needs. We notice that most clients need some level of treatment for an average of 6-9 months. Our goal is to support you through full recovery and prevent any future relapse. Recovery takes time, but it is worth it! For more information on this, you can watch the recording to our info session here.

The Eating Disorder Recovery Program™️ is a comprehensive outpatient program for teens and adults across Ontario. It includes Nutrition counselling (1:1), Psychotherapy (1:1), group meal support, group therapy, and family support (weekly group calls + eLearning modules). 

Group meal support is currently every Tuesday from 5:30-6:30 pm EST.

Group therapy is currently every Thursday from 5:30-7 pm EST.

Family Support is currently every Wednesday, alternating from 12-1 pm EST or 5:30-6:30 pm EST.

Individual sessions will be scheduled based on your availability as well as your providers. If you require evening and weekend availability, let the support team know so we can match you with a provider that offers those times.

That is amazing! We are all for collaboration here at TBP! If you are already working with a therapist or dietitian that specializes in eating disorder treatment, we will (with your consent), collaborate with them for your care.

This will be determined by your treatment plan. As this program is fully personalized, we will create a plan based on your needs. Typically, folks will start with weekly appointments and move to biweekly as treatment progresses.

We get it. We all grew up in a society that has taught us we need to lose weight at all costs and hyperfocus on body ideals. Here at The Balanced Practice, we will never judge or shame you for desiring weight loss AND we know that weight loss is never prescribed in eating disorder recovery. Therefore, all of our services are weight neutral which means that we do not use weight as a measure of success. Although weight restoration is sometimes the goal, we focus on a person's state over their weight.

As registered dietitians and psychotherapists, all information shared with us, medical or personal, will be kept confidential unless you consent to sharing information with 3rd party health professionals (such as your doctor). This will be reviewed in your consent forms with your provider.

Progress Loader | The Balanced Practice | Ottawa, ON